The Perks of Being a Wallflower (2012)
Dir. Stephen Chbosky
4 out of 5
Even some of the best high school movies have a
tendency to blow the problems of their teenage protagonists – getting beer,
getting out of town, getting laid – out of proportion. It’s too easy for this approach to become
vaguely insulting, as if the movie is assuming a certain vapidity on the part
of its audience, or seeking to trivialize their experience. The film adaptation of Stephen Chbosky’s
young adult novel The Perks of Being a
Wallflower – written and directed by Chbosky himself in a rare arrangement –
avoids these pitfalls with an appealing honesty in portraying how kids actually
grow up. Instead of featuring teens desperately
trying to inch themselves over the cusp of adulthood, Perks shows the adult world intruding on the twilight of childhood
in a plethora of funny, fulfilling, and tragic ways.
Charlie (Logan Lerman) is an intelligent,
sensitive freshman nervously navigating his first weeks of high school, persisting
in a stubborn but fruitless quest to make friends. (It takes serious guts – or naiveté – to keep
showing up to extracurricular functions like football games and school dances
all by your lonesome.) Luckily, he has two
excellent prospects in two seniors, the clownish Patrick (Ezra
Miller, playing the foil to his sullen teen in We Need to Talk About Kevin), a flamboyant nonconformist who performs Rocky Horror on the weekends, and Sam (Emma Watson), Patrick’s
ultra-cool, confident stepsister and the type of woman destined to encourage
the affections of college men – in fact, she’s already dating one. Still, they can’t help but notice the dark
cloud that hovers over Charlie. In a bout of
cannabis-inspired frankness, he reveals to Sam that his best friend committed
suicide a few months before the start of school. She immediately realizes that Charlie’s
emotional intensity presents risks of its own and persuades her clique of
oddballs and rebels to make room for him on “the Island of Misfit Toys.”
That’s when Perks
really takes off, driven by the epochal events that mark the passage of time in
high school and the camaraderie of its young, talented cast, including Johnny
Simmons as Patrick’s closeted football-star boyfriend and Mae Whitman as a punky
Mae Whitman-type ballbuster. Paul Rudd
pops up as an occasional mentor – a saintly English teacher who introduces
Charlie to the ancient wisdom of Penguin Classics – but Chbosky doesn’t waste his
time on classroom instruction. He pushes
most of the right buttons in introducing the film’s various after-school
special issues, gradually revealing them alongside the torch-passing rituals
that comprise Charlie’s social education.
The excellent chemistry between Watson, Miller, and Lerman also helps stabilize
the action when it starts to drift toward the inevitable genre clichés. But these melodramatic elements are necessary to make
Perks the commendable achievement
that it is, an inviting and emotionally complex teen movie that’s much like the
characters it portrays: smart, passionate, and generous.